Drunk symptoms

There’s nothing quite like spending the evening with a bunch of drunks to reaffirm your sobriety.

Tonight I spent the evening with my good friend, and his two friends. All three were fairly drunk by the time I arrived, nosecco in hand. In the few hours I was there I heard the same stories on repeat, was asked the same questions on repeat, and watched as both the friends replied “another glass of wine” to the question “can I get you anything from the kitchen?”, when both had a full glass next to them but had forgotten so.

When telling a story, drunks will pick up on one random aspect of it. Say I was telling a story about being a teacher at a special needs school called Oakdale. A drunk will pick up on the word Oak and tell you a story about their cousin’s friend’s sister who is a tree surgeon, and think that it is relevent. Drunks ask you a question, and don’t let you finish before they interject with their next point. These are some of the symptoms of being drunk that I am so grateful to be free of.

I don’t judge drunks for this. I was one. I used to be the queen of repeating myself, interrupting people, waiting for others to finish speaking before I interjected with something vaguely or not even remotely interesting and laughing out loudly at my own jokes like I was on stage at the Fringe festival. I don’t judge drunks, but I do feel the wash of relief that I am no longer one. That I am free from the trap of drinking, that I no longer have to drink anymore. Those people will not remember much of this evening, they might have a trickle of shame or anxiety in the morning, wondering what they said, whether they talked too much or embarrassed themselves. I will wake fresh and clear headed. I know exactly what I said, and to who, and I will have no regrets.

Today I’m having a superwoman day, a “I can do anything day” and I am grateful for that. I am grateful every day that I wake up and know that I don’t need to drink. Grateful that I can now face social occasions without any pressure or fear of missing out. I feel truly free. Strong and sober.

One response to “Drunk symptoms”

  1. Hear, hear! Yesterday marked eight months for me, and I could not have been more keenly aware of how much I have gained stepping away from that old life and into this new one. I want to stay in this one.

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